Spooky writing paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Segmental reporting Essay Example For Students
Segmental revealing Essay Index1Introduction to segmental reporting22Origin of segmental reporting22.1The fineness-theorem22.2Market effectiveness theory22.3Agency theory22.4Accounting theory33The most significant segmental revealing standards33.1International Accounting Standard 14 (IAS 14)33.1.1The International Accounting Standards Committee33.1.2The International Accounting Standards Board43.1.3IAS 14: Segment reporting43.1.3.1Objective of IAS 14 (revised) of IAS 14 (revised) of segments53.1.3.4Information that must be disclosed53.2SSAP 2564Comparison with neighborhood GAAPs65Evaluation of segmental reporting65.1Advantages65.2Disadvantages75.2.1Costs of segmental reporting75.2.1.1Monetary costs75.2.1.2Lost time of management75.2.1.3Decrease in adventure sense75.2.2Difficulties one can involvement in the presentation of the announcing requirements75.2.2.1Difficulties concerning the recognizable proof of segments85.2.2.2Difficulties identified with the data to be d isclosed8Segmental reporting1Introduction to segmental reportingSegmental detailing can be viewed as the investigation of the monetary data of a venture or gathering between the diverse business exercises or potentially the distinctive geographic territories where it works . The explanation behind this revealing division into various business exercises and geographic territories is that these have distinctive benefit possibilities, development openings, degrees and sort of hazard, paces of return and capital needs. On account of these distinctions, it is conceivable that merged budget summaries are not adequate (these fiscal summaries sum up the outcomes and money related situation for the revealing substance in general). The divulgence of data about a ventures activity in various enterprises, its remote tasks and fare deals, and its significant clients, as an essential piece of budget reports, may give an answer for this issue (Thoen and Lefebvre, 2001). 2Origin of segmental reportingFour hypotheses that are described by a bookkeeping or a monetary foundation can be considered as variables that made a requirement for the division of data. In the accompanying passages, a concise portrayal of these hypotheses will be given. 2.1The fineness-theoremThis hypothesis expresses that given two sets containing a similar data, in the event that one is separated all the more finely, it will be at any rate as important as the other set. Applied to segmental announcing, this implies the portioned data will consistently contain data that is as normal and important as the data gave by amassed budget summaries. 2.2Market productivity theoryAccording to Fama (1970), three sorts of effectiveness can be recognized, contingent upon the accessible data: (1) frail structure proficiency, (2) semi-solid structure productivity, and (3) in number structure productivity. A market is effective in the frail structure when every past cost are reflected in todays cost. A market is effective in the semi-solid structure when costs mirror all open data. Finally, a market is productive in the solid structure when all data in a market, regardless of whether open or private, is reflected in the cost. The announcing of divided data by organizations might be helpful to make increasingly productive markets. This is on the grounds that this sort of data builds the straightforwardness of the organization which may assist with making increasingly exact forecasts about future additions. 2.3Agency theoryThe office hypothesis concerns the connection between a head (for example clients and investors of budgetary data) and a specialist of the head (for example companys managers)1. Since both the head and the specialist need to augment their own utility and in light of the fact that these utilities are not equivalent, organization expenses and doubt of the investors towards the executives emerge (Emmanuel ; Garrod, 1992). As the two gatherings have various utilities that they need to expand, they additionally have an alternate sentiment on the amount, the degree of detail and by what implies the data with respect to the organization ought to be made open. Specialists, for instance, tend to r etain data since they are anxious about the possibility that that contenders will exploit this data or in light of the fact that they don't need worker's guilds or representatives to utilize the data to look at procuring figures from various portions (Thoen ; Lefebvre, 2001). These days, money related examiners look negative toward organizations that don't gracefully segmental data. Their awful assessment of such organizations involves a negative impact on the offer estimations of those organizations which on their turn powers the organization to give more data. Deze tekst zeker nog veranderen2.4Accounting theoryThis hypothesis expresses that the arrangement of fragmented data is fundamental so as to have the option to pass judgment on vulnerability and to all the more likely worth the companys exercises. The explanation here front, is that such data makes it conceivable to make significant decisions of dangers and to foresee future income in an increasingly precise manner. 3The mos t significant segmental revealing standards3.1International Accounting Standard 14 (IAS 14)3.1.1The International Accounting Standards CommitteeThe IASC was framed in 1973 at the activity of Henry Benson, a British contracted bookkeeper, who was around then leader of the organization that would later become PricewaterhouseCoopers. The targets of this board of trustees were (Flower and Ebbers, 2004):To detail and distribute in the open enthusiasm bookkeeping norms to be seen in the introduction of budget summaries and to advance their overall acknowledgment and recognition. To work by and large for the improvement and harmonization of guidelines, bookkeeping gauges and strategies identifying with the introduction of fiscal reports. Somewhere in the range of 1974 and 2000, the IASC gave nearly forty guidelines, however these were so dubious and allowed such huge numbers of elective bookkeeping medicines that they did little to lessen the assorted variety of budgetary announcing practice all through the world. Anyway before the finish of the 90s, two advancements made it progressively plausible that the IASCs measures would become applied and acknowledged around the world. The principal concerned the choice of the EU to align itself with the IASC with a definitive point of allowing European MNEs to utilize the IAS guidelines for their records. Besides, a significant understanding was made so as to improve the agreeableness of the IASs by the universes stock trades. All the more precisely, the IASC concurred with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), which speaks to the national stock trade administrative bodies at the worldwide level, that the last would prescribe the national administ rative bodies to allow remote global partnerships to utilize the IASs relying on the prerequisite that the IASC would convey increasingly subjective IASs. These two advancements were imperative to improve the status and the agreeableness of the gauges. Character Disorders Essay Paper5.2.1Costs of segmental reportingAccording to Mautz (1968), the expanding expenses of segmental announcing can be isolated into three gatherings, (1) fiscal costs, (2) costs coming about because of the lost time of the executives, and (3) the expense coming about because of the reduction in adventure sense. costsThese costs will be costs for extra work force, for the augmentation of the framework that assembles data and for the extra review of the divided data. Be that as it may, Radebaugh and Gray (1993) imply that, as a rule, these extra expenses are not material when you understand that administration has a great deal of opportunity to pick the various sections. Accordingly, the board has the likelihood to let these portions compare on a par with conceivable to the structure of the organization. In addition, organizations effectively gather data for inside purposes, so the additional expenses for outside revealing are limited. time of managementThis sort of cost has to do with the time the board loses when it needs to respond to addresses identified with the extra data. in adventure senseThis sort of costs ascends from the momentary considering speculators and different clients of money related data. The executives needs to consider the cost-viability of their organization both on the long and the short run. Because it likewise needs to take a gander at the since a long time ago run cost-adequacy, it is conceivable that it will make misfortunes in the short run. In the event that the clients of the extra data will just assess the board on their short run outcomes, once in a lifetime opportunities exists that these directors won't take a gander at the since quite a while ago run any longer and simply center around transient additions. Obviously, this is disadvantageous for the organization. 5.2.2Difficulties one can involvement in the presentation of the revealing requirementsHere, at any rate two sorts of issues can be recognized. Above all else, troubles concerning the distinguishing proof of fragments can emerge. Inquiries here can be on which premise the fragments must be recognized, what size the various portions need to have and what number of sections must be revealed. A subsequent trouble is identified with the recognizable proof of data to be revealed. concerning the recognizable proof of segmentsA first trouble is to decide the correct premise on which the various fragments must be recognized. A significant point that must be remembered is that the exercises who have a place with one portion must be comparative (homogeneous) to one another and that the exercises who have a place with various sections must be heterogeneous to one another. A subsequent trouble concerns the choice of a division measurement. Organizations have the decision between four strategies that are accessible for the recognizable proof of sections: (1) division dependent on line-of-business, (2) division dependent on land regions of exercises, (3) division dependent on the inner corporate structure, and (4) portions for every individual market in which the organization is working. Companies may
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Relationship Between Tectonic Architecture And Materials Cultural Studies Essay
Connection Between Tectonic Architecture And Materials Cultural Studies Essay The accompanying proposition tries to recognize and analyze the connection between structural engineering and materials. Despite the fact that materials are surrounding us; we frequently don't set aside the effort to analyze them; to genuinely consider their consideration, thus there very nearness is regularly underestimated. So as to underline the significance of materials in engineering; this examination question concentrated on talking about How do materials assume a key plan job in structural design? The postulation utilized two fundamental systems. The primary was a writing audit, which incorporates an extensive survey of the writing that was instrumental in tending to the principle points, materials and structural design. The second was a model put together investigation which centered with respect to a specific structure. It analyzes how an adjustment in materials could influence the plan of a structure; and in this manner underlines the key job materials play in structural engineering. The discoveries of the exploration featured the way that materials do in reality assume a key job in the structure of structural structures; and at times they can be the primary driver for the underlying plan. Anyway it was likewise settled that there are numerous other contributory components which additionally influence the general structure. Factors, for example, the structure, the creating of development, advancement, the utilization of bleeding edge innovation, the joint effort of the plan group as they work in cooperative energy with the engineer, lastly the strategies of learning by doing or encouraging instruction through the educating of others. Definitions/Glossary Structural Architecture A non-solid structure, collected utilizing various materials, methods and assets in the demonstration of development making and revealingâ [1]â . Stereotomic Architecture A self-supporting solid structure created from explained strong components. Atectonic A mix of structural and sterotomic building methods. The creating of development This isn't only a joint or a development detail; it is the making together of materials and surface through bespoke methods. Green structure Philosophy that regards ecological characteristics as plan goals and not as limitations. Innovative Refers to innovation that is at the bleeding edge or the most trend setting innovation as of now accessible. Trustworthiness The thought that a structure will show its actual reason and not be beautiful Materials The issue from which a thing is or can be madeâ [2]â Constructivist training procedures Constructivist educating depends on the conviction that learning happens as students are effectively associated with a procedure of significance and information development instead of inactively accepting informationâ [3]â . All works of engineering include an inventive transaction among thoughts and materials to which the two producers and pundits have more than once been happy to dole out moral valueâ [4]â Chapter by chapter list 1.0 Introduction Materials are not in vogue; they are a need for the acknowledgment of creativityâ [5]â Checking out the assembled condition, one can see materials are all over; yet they are not frequently addressed; when were they designed? How are they picked? How are they utilized? For what reason would they say they were assembled with a specific goal in mind? Were the right materials chosen? Notwithstanding these inquiries modelers should likewise address issues around reason and configuration; would materials be able to be the main impetus behind their plans or are they irrelevant, just an aesthetical element of the structure. Endeavoring to dive into and address a portion of these inquiries has prompted the examination of this proposition; specifically How do materials assume a key structure job in structural design? This postulation expects to comprehend structural engineering and the job of materials in the plan of a structure. One has a fundamental comprehension of what these words mean from the glossary anyway there is a need to investigate where they have originated from and how they have and will influence engineering. In investigating this thought there is a need to recognize, where structural design and materials started, how they have developed after some time, and going ahead what bearing would they say they are going in? The postulation will talk about some of these issues so as to address the examination question. The paper will analyze the accompanying primary parts; Joint/The making of development, the structural advancement of enormous range, twentieth century present day structural draftsmen, 21st century structural ecological engineering and a model based investigation. Research techniques This proposition is together done through two research techniques. The main comprises of the writing survey, and was under taken to increase a top to bottom comprehension of structural design and the multifaceted nature of materials. The second includes a model based research which was led through the examination of drawings so as to comprehend the impact of a material change on a structural structure. The initial five sections will examine the key job materials play on structural engineering. It will take a gander at both the hypothesis and the commonsense side of this subject; with diagnostic drawings to additionally build up this standard. This investigation will be done by means of optional research, including books, diaries, paper articles, electrical diaries, distributed meetings and sites. Research will be completed on the two subjects, beginning with the plan and working of the minor hovel to the advancement of the contemporary structural design. Parts six will be a top to bottom examination in to a model based research, where the inquiry will be posed if materials do assume a key job in structural engineering and if there was varieties in materials would the structure plan and space changed. The investigation will intend to show how significant materials are to the structure plan with 3 dimensional drawings. 2.0 Joint/The making of development Regularly it is the expressiveness of the jointing which refines structures and gives them their cordial feel.â [6]â In Greek, the term structural originates from the work tekton, which proposes craftsman or developer. In the fifth century, the importance advanced into the job of the tekton. This prompted the development of the ace developer or architekton. Kenneth Frampton saw that Adolf Heinrich Borbein asserted this importance would in the end change to a stylish as opposed to a mechanical class. Frampton noted in his book Studies in Tectonic Culture that Karl Otfied Muller, in his third version of Handbuch der Archaologie der Kunst, that tektones was particular, concerning individuals in development or bureau creators which utilized an explicitly useful or dry joint, however this did exclude dirt and metal working in the importance. This gave the meaning of structural as the joint or the joining through the development procedure. In 1851 Gottfried Semper, distributed his book, The Four Elements of Architecture (Die vier Elemente der Baukunst). He put together a portion of his components with respect to a Caribbean hovel (see figure 1) that he saw at the extraordinary show of 1851 and he partitioned the residence into four components, 1 the earthwork, 2 the hearth, 3 the system (counting the rooftop) and 4 the lightweight skin or membraneâ [7]â . On the base of these four components, Semper classed the structure makes into two key various techniques: the tectonics of the lightweight edge work and the stereotomic of the base. Semper showed the utilization of the stereotomic base where mud-block and stone were put on the ground, on to which the lightweight surrounded structure sat. Frampton considered the stereotomic base to be load bearing workmanship, climate stone and mud block. He noticed the significance of the lightweight encircled structure, where he considered the to be of the bunch as a principal component in empowering the integrating of the lightweight parts. The bunch prompted the making sure about of the casing and was seen by Semper as a complex jointing of development. Around the globe, this procedure can be noticeably observed, where rope is utilized to hitch lightweight structures together; featuring how locally accessible materials were used to assemble cabins. African inborn societies utilized a wide scope of vertical screen dividers where the rope tie was the key development component. The Gogo house in Tanzania was worked from tree limbs where a rope tie was utilized to hold the struct ure together while mud was worked around the structure. In contrast with this, the Kuba hovel found in the southeast of the Congo was raised utilizing woven mats, again with all joints being tied along with rope. Semper featured the advancement of bunches into a weaving procedure, which in this way prompted the formation of structures texture. Structures, for example, the Bedouin innate cabins were gathered utilizing privately sourced materials in a weaving way so as to assemble solid cottages; as contradict to those which were worked with hitches. Woven dividers were a type of wattle constructionâ [8]â , which was portrayed by Allen Noble as vertical stakes, each fitted into a gap or opening in one even and wipe into a furrow or another gap in the other individual from the system. Materials, for example, osiers, reeds or flimsy segments of oak were most commonâ [9]â . This style of wattle development is still being used today in the structure of wall; anyway it led to the progression in wattle and wipe development, which can be seen in numerous vernacular structures far and wide today. Cherie Wendelken in his article on The Tectonics of Japanese Style: Architect and Carpenter in the Late Meiji Period noticed that Japanese engineering had extraordinary symbolical structures which were principally structural, whereby privately sourced material, for example, grasses and bamboo columns were being hitched together. The fifteenth century Japanese house was developed with a woven faã §ade. These houses were worked in a post and shaft surrounded way with woven infilling dividers which took into consideration flexibl
Thursday, August 13, 2020
13 Skills and Values Employers Seek in Jobseekers
13 Skills and Values Employers Seek in Jobseekers Every job seeker wants to know the secret formula for getting the job. What are those skills that’ll get you noticed?The answer often lies in the soft skills and values you can present because the hard, concrete skills are easier to possess â€" most candidates for a specific job title will have the education and the technical ability to perform in the role.Therefore, to separate yourself from the other candidates, you need to possess and showcase those soft skills and value.Both LinkedIn and Indeed have surveyed resumes and researched the employers to figure out which are the skills and values employers seek in jobseekers.The below list of 13 outlines the skills and values you need to highlight in your resume and during the job interview â€" there will be tips for doing just that as well.PROFESSIONALISMProfessionalism is right there at the top when it comes to skills employers value. But what does professionalism mean?It’s a rather fancy word but in short, when employers are look ing for a professional, they are looking for someone who is:Responsible and fair â€" you understand your responsibilities and you treat people fairly; you’re a team Player.A person with strong work ethic â€" you put work high up on your list and you take things like timelines and rules seriously; you aren’t afraid to work hard to achieve goals.Good with situational awareness â€" you can adapt to different situations and you understand what is happening around you; you can manage different situations in style and without causing problems.How to show professionalism when seeking a job?Professionalism is shown in the little things and in the seriousness you show when applying for a job. Things like professional-looking cover letter and resume are a big deal when it comes to professionalism.You want to make your application polished and ensure your communication with the employer is positive and shows a strong attention to detail.Learn to craft a professional application and to teac h yourself the secret of professional e-mails and phone conversations.POSITIVE ATTITUDEPositivity is the key to surviving the world of employment. Not only does it help you during the tough application process, but employers also appreciate candidates who are positive and willing to keep going.Employers want employees to have a positive attitude at work and to avoid complaining about things â€" positive employees will ensure the work environment is positive and productive.It’s not surprising this skills is at the top of the list â€" smiley and good-humored people are appreciated everywhere in society.How to show positive attitude when seeking a job?It’s possible to show your positive attitude throughout the application process. You want to focus on your attitude by showing up on time for interviews and keeping a smile on your face when talking with people.Don’t wallow in disappointments but show your willingness to learn from mistakes and to use the process to gain experience. COMMUNICATION SKILLSAnother essential skill for jobseekers is good communication skills. The Wall Street Journal found by analyzing LinkedIn profiles that almost 58% of employees who mentioned stellar communication skills in their profiles were hired over the course of the year. The employer looks for employees who:Are able to communicate and present their points of view clearly.Are able to listen to other people.Are able to take and give feedback in a constructive and respectful way.Good communication skills are needed in a wide variety of industries. You’ll need to be able to work with your team members, suppliers and clients and customers to a varying degree â€" it’s crucial to know how to talk, listen and discuss things without causing problems.How to show communication skills when seeking a job?You want your job application to be written in professional and concise language. It’s also important to mention your experience in communicating â€" perhaps you have worked in cus tomer service or you’ve gotten recognition regarding your communication within a team.You can also positively highlight your communication skills during the job interview. Be respectful of your interviewer and make sure to take time to listen to their questions.Be polite throughout and focus on talking clearly â€" sometimes it’s a good idea to pause and gather your thoughts before speaking out.ADAPTABILITYThe workplace is constantly changing due to innovation and technological advancement â€" employees who can show adaptability will do superbly.Employers want someone who is flexible to these changes in the workplace â€" they don’t want to have to hold their employees’ hands continuously. If you can be flexible in things you do and adapt to things around you, the employers will appreciate you.What’s important is the ability to think quickly and to stay calm under pressure. Change is not easy to handle but if you show resilience in the face of it then you can succeed.It’s not just about being able to adapt to the changing workplace, it’s also about getting along with people with different backgrounds.Teams are diverse in the modern world â€" employees must be flexible enough to get together with people that might not be similar to themselves. How to show adaptability when seeking a job?In your resume it’s a good idea to focus on transferable skills and present examples of situations where you had to adapt â€" for example, taking charge of a new team, stepping up to solve a tricky situation and so on.You essentially want to highlight your experience and ability to adapt to new situations whether it is moving town or being part of a diverse working environment.You also want to show your openness to new ideas. Perhaps talk about situations where you tried something completely new or stepped out of your comfort zone â€" for example, trying sales even though you’d been working in the presentation team at work previously.Find examples like this and m ention them in your resume or during the interview.PROBLEM-SOLVINGThe ability to solve problems is crucial for job seeking success. The workplace has many challenges and employers want to find employees who have the resilience and the capability to solve those.Problem-solving skills is about tackling challenges intuitively and quickly. It’s about the ability to think for yourself and to have the ability to think outside the box for the solutions. But it’s also about the resilience to stick to working on a problem until it’s done â€" even if you don’t first find the solutions, you should keep moving forward.How to show problem-solving capabilities when seeking a job?It’s crucial to use your resume for showcasing situations where you’ve solved problems (big problems!) and come out as a winner.You want to mention problems like a change in the deadlines, missing equipment, problems in understanding/communication and so on. Be meticulous when explaining these situations â€" f ocus on outlining the problem, talking about your approach to solving it and highlighting a positive result.You can also emphasise your problem-solving abilities during the job interview. Be a quick thinker â€" don’t say you’re not sure or you can’t answer.Put your problem-solving abilities to show by walking the interviewer through your thinking process â€" don’t be afraid of showing how you need to analyze the questions, take your time to come up with an answer and then present it.This will tell the employer that you know how to deal with the unusual and the unexpected.HONESTYThere have been enough corporate scandals to fill the pages of newspapers. It’s not a big wonder then to notice that employers are after honest employees to help them keep away from the headlines.For the employers, finding someone with integrity and honesty is super important and being able to highlight your honesty can get you a lot of points. The workplace is a team and each person must have the h onesty and integrity to work for the team.More specifically, employers want an employee who is able to live up to their own values and ideals â€" there is nothing wrong with showing what you live by in the world, especially if they align with the company’s values.The employer wants someone who understands the company vision and the common objectives and feels a certain pride in working towards them.How to show honesty when seeking a job?The easiest and most effective way to showcase your honesty to the employer is quite simply by not lying. There are still people who think that a few untruths in the resume or during the interview won’t hurt but that’s not true. You need to be honest throughout the process and trust in your actual talent to do the job.Furthermore, you shouldn’t be afraid of talking about your values. It doesn’t have to be just about your skills but also mention things that are close to your heart. Explaining your work ethic and values is beneficial, especia lly when they align closely with the employer.LEADERSHIPEmployers are always looking for those who can also lead, not just perform. All top companies have plenty of leaders inside â€" to succeed you often have to lead. The employees who can lead others and boost the performance of not just their own but that of others are super valuable in the job market.If you’re a charismatic person who is able to show enthusiasm that leads to others performing at their best then you are going to be an employer’s dream candidate.You want to inspire people to do their best and to work towards the common goals.Employers don’t want to be telling you what to do at all times â€" if you can take the initiative and get others to follow you, you are a true leader.How to show leadership when seeking a job?You should mention leadership positions in your resume and during your interview as much as possible. Talk about any leadership experience you have even if you’ve not officially been in a manageri al position.So, think about times you took charge or helped other people achieve their best â€" it could be sorting a problematic customer problem, tutoring at school or so on.TIME MANAGEMENTThe modern workplace is also hectic and employers need their employees to stick to a schedule, managing the busy schedule they might have.You’ll be appreciated more if you can showcase good time management skills. This quite simply means employers will like it if you are:Punctual â€" arriving on time to work and to meetings.Able to stick to the schedule â€" you can keep up with your schedule and produce work according to the timelines set for you.Good at scheduling â€" you can create your own realistic schedule and timelines. How to show time management skills when seeking a job?You can talk about your ability to stick to the schedule on your resume by stating any achievements you might have. When talking about a big project, a part of your discussion could be on how you stuck to the schedule, for example.Of course, you should also make sure you stick to any deadlines during the application process. If you’re supposed to send a form or make a call within a specific timeline, then you must do so. Also, don’t show up late for a job interview!SELF-MOTIVATEDThe importance of teamwork is often talked about but your ability to work alone is also important to an employer. The ability to self-motivate is crucial because it tells the employer they don’t have to micromanage your every move.Self-motivation manifests in two major ways. First, it has the part of being able to stay busy and occupied with the job without constant management. It’s about knowing what to do and when to do it. But it’s also about your passion.Employers love employees that love the work they do and who are passionate about succeeding in their roles. Self-motivated employees are those who love to learn and develop their skills further.How to show self-motivation when seeking a job?You can highlight the above qualities by doing your research and showing you know the industry and the company inside out. You want to put this passion towards the role and the company on paper â€" show in your resume that you know the skills the company is looking for and the values the company has.It’s crucial to go beyond just the job posting and the things the employer mentions there. Conduct research on the business culture and check what big projects the business is working on or has worked in the past.The ability to talk about these big industry things in the interview is helpful and shows you’re passionate about the sector.CURIOUSEmployers are not looking for robots â€" those who simply do things the same way over and over. The workplace is changing, as mentioned before, and this means you need to be willing to move with it.But it’s always best to not just change but be curious about the change. If you’re interested and willing to learn, it means you’ll perform better at work as we ll and therefore, bring more value to the employer.There are three key characteristics of this valuable skill. You must be:Curious about the world â€" you don’t have just narrow interest in a single issue but you’re interested in a range of things around you.Interested in the industry â€" you have a strong willingness to learn more and you’re always looking for new things within the industry.A person with an open and creative mind â€" you use this curiosity and information to think outside the box and find new ways of doing things.How to show curiosity when seeking a job?Your resume should highlight your passion for knowledge by listing things you’ve done to learn more about the industry. Things like attending workshops, seminars and industry events are important, as are examples of your studies â€" especially those that you’ve done on your own time.When you’re in the interview, you don’t want to just sit there and answer questions. Ask about the company and the compan y’s view of the industry.For example, say how you’ve noticed certain trends changing the industry and be curious about the ways the company is preparing to manage them.COMPUTER LITERATEIn today’s digital world, computer skills are definitely sought-after no matter your industry. While the other skills on the list focus on the soft-skills employers seek universally, computer literacy is a hard-skill everyone respects.You don’t need to be able to write code but there is an expectation of basic computer skills whether you want to work in fashion, media or finance. This means having a basic understanding of:The core computer programs like Word, Excel and PowerPointHow web design and development work in generalWhat social media is about and how to use itFurthermore, employers like employees to be able to pick things up quickly. While you don’t need to know how each industry software options work, you must be able to and willing to learn them quickly.How to show computer literac y when seeking a job?You definitely want to include even the most basic computer knowledge you have on your resume.Include anything related to the above points and knowledge of industry-specific software. It’s a good idea to show your willingness to learn; perhaps by taking extra courses in IT.LOYALThe competition to retain talent is high. For this reason, employers have begun appreciating loyalty. Employers appreciate employees who aren’t hopping from one company to another â€" they want to hire someone who would like to build a career with their company.The key for employers is to find people who will stay professional and commitment even if things are not always going smoothly. They don’t want to be in a situation where they have to constantly worry and fight for keeping employees put.It’s not to say they don’t understand they need to stay competitive and focus on employee happiness, but they just don’t want the employees to have unrealistic expectations and show a la ck of loyalty.How to show loyalty when seeking a job?You can highlight your loyalty and professionalism by showing you won’t change jobs for no reason. It’s OK to move on if it’s for career progression. But you don’t want to show how you’ve changed jobs every time due to not getting along with your team.You should also avoid talking ill of your colleagues and previous employers. Even if you didn’t like your ex-boss, you definitely don’t want to talk negatively.Give diplomatic answers when it comes to leaving your previous roles or having to explain your worst management experience.Focus on concepts and non-personal issues and talk about your own ambitions in a way that shows you’re not using the job just as a springboard for other roles elsewhere.CONFIDENTEmployers want their employees to have a healthy dose of self-confidence. It boils down to this: if you don’t believe in your abilities and talent, then why should they?It’s important to show trust in your own s kills because if you doubt your ability to handle certain tasks, the employer will doubt too. You must understand your value because it will help the employer see it as well.When you apply for a job and once you get a job, you need to feel that you’re the best person to do it.How to show confidence when seeking a job?Your resume must be a reflection of your talent and you need to stand by it 100%. You want to focus on your skills and experience, presenting the ones that fit the role you’re applying for but also those that you have the most confidence.If you’re lacking in confidence, make sure you have great references to talk positively about you and ask for friends, family and colleagues to advice you on your best qualities â€" just trust your talent and take pride in career achievements you’ve had; no matter how small those might seem like.THE SKILLS AND VALUES THAT’LL GET YOU THE JOBThe above list highlights the skills and values modern employers are looking for. It sho ws that it takes a lot to become a valuable employee but it’s possible to present you as a strong candidate with smart little mentions in your resume.Don’t just mention them but also focus on presenting these skills when at the job interview. Since these are values and soft skills, you can often trust in the saying “actions speak louder than words†â€" so show in action how you possess these 13 characteristics.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Statistics Worksheet Calculating Z-Scores
A standard type of problem in basic statistics is to calculate the z-score of a value, given that the data is normally distributed and also given the mean and standard deviation. This z-score, or standard score, is the signed number of standard deviations by which the data points value is above the mean value of that which is being measured. Calculating z-scores for normal distribution in statistical analysis allows one to simplify observations of normal distributions, starting with an infinite number of distributions and working down to a standard normal deviation instead of working with each application that is encountered. All of the following problems use the z-score formula, and for all of them assume that we are dealing with a normal distribution. The Z-Score Formula The formula for calculating the z-score of any particular data set is z (x - Î ¼) / ÃÆ' where Î ¼Ã‚ is the mean of a population and ÃÆ' is the standard deviation of a population. The absolute value of z represents the z-score of the population, the distance between the raw score and population mean in units of standard deviation. Its important to remember that this formula relies not on the sample mean or deviation but on the population mean and the population standard deviation, meaning that a statistical sampling of data cannot be drawn from the population parameters, rather it must be calculated based on the entire data set. However, it is rare that every individual in a population can be examined, so in cases where it is impossible to calculate this measurement of every population member, a statistical sampling may be used in order to help calculate the z-score. Sample Questions Practice using the z-score formula with these seven questions: Scores on a history test have an average of 80 with a standard deviation of 6. What is the z-score for a student who earned a 75 on the test?The weight of chocolate bars from a particular chocolate factory has a mean of 8 ounces with a standard deviation of .1 ounce. What is the z-score corresponding to a weight of 8.17 ounces?Books in the library are found to have an average length of 350 pages with a standard deviation of 100 pages. What is the z-score corresponding to a book of length 80 pages?The temperature is recorded at 60 airports in a region. The average temperature is 67 degrees Fahrenheit with a standard deviation of 5 degrees. What is the z-score for a temperature of 68 degrees?A group of friends compares what they received while trick or treating. They find that the average number of pieces of candy received is 43, with a standard deviation of 2. What is the z-score corresponding to 20 pieces of candy?The mean growth of the thickness of trees in a forest is found to be . 5 cm/year with a standard deviation of .1 cm/year. What is the z-score corresponding to 1 cm/year?A particular leg bone for dinosaur fossils has a mean length of 5 feet with a standard deviation of 3 inches. What is the z-score that corresponds to a length of 62 inches? Answers for Sample Questions Check your calculations with the following solutions. Remember that the process for all of these problems is similar in that you must subtract the mean from the given value then divide by the standard deviation: The z-score of (75 - 80)/6 and is equal to -0.833.The z-score for this problem is (8.17 - 8)/.1 and is equal to 1.7.The z-score for this problem is (80 - 350)/100 and is equal to -2.7.Here the number of airports is information that is not necessary to solve the problem. The z-score for this problem is (68-67)/5 and is equal to 0.2.The z-score for this problem is (20 - 43)/2 and equal to -11.5.The z-score for this problem is (1 - .5)/.1 and equal to 5.Here we need to be careful that all of the units we are using are the same. There will not be as many conversions if we do our calculations with inches. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, five feet corresponds to 60 inches. The z-score for this problem is (62 - 60)/3 and is equal to .667. If you have answered all of these questions correctly, congratulations! Youve fully grasped the concept of calculating z-score to find the value of standard deviation in a given data set!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 7 Free Essays
â€Å"Get out,†I said immediately. Yasmine and Vincent, finishing their breakfast at my table, looked up in surprise. Niphon gestured toward them. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"I was invited in. I didn’t think it’d be a problem.†Angel and human looked distinctly uncomfortable, and I could guess what had happened. Niphon had turned up, and they’d let him inside, not knowing about our animosity. They’d probably figured he was a partner in evil which, in the most technical of ways, he was. Vincent hastily stood up and took his empty plate to the sink. Yasmine followed. â€Å"Well,†said Vincent. â€Å"We should probably get going.†â€Å"Yeah,†agreed Yasmine, grabbing her coat. Fools rushed in where angels feared to tread, apparently. â€Å"Great seeing you guys.†They left so fast that they might as well have teleported out. I fixed my attention back on Niphon. â€Å"Get out,†I repeated. He leaned back against my couch, draping his arms over the back of it. â€Å"Letha, Letha – â€Å" â€Å"And stop calling me that.†â€Å"Whatever you like. And don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair soon. I just wanted to give you a Tawny update.†Oh God. Tawny. Please, please let her have scored last night, I silently begged. Her attitude at the bar hadn’t really inspired confidence, but maybe me leaving with Jude had set a good example. â€Å"She hasn’t taken a victim yet.†Damn. â€Å"Alright, thanks,†I said, pointing at the door. â€Å"You can leave now. And next time, it’s really okay if you call to give me an update. Preferably when you’re in the taxi that’s taking you to the airport so I don’t ever have to fucking see you again.†He rose from the couch, giving me a wounded look. â€Å"Fine, fine. But there is one other thing I wanted to talk to you about.†â€Å"There is nothing at all I want to talk to you about.†I was on the verge of growling. â€Å"Oh, I’m not so sure about that.†His hand rested on the doorknob, but he showed no intention of actually leaving. â€Å"I think you’ll be very interested. It’s about your love life.†â€Å"No! We are not talking about this.†â€Å"Le – Georgina, I just want to help you,†he whined. â€Å"I think it’s terrible that you two can’t fully express your love.†â€Å"We. Are. Fine. And don’t lean against the door. I don’t want your hair to leave an oil stain.†Niphon straightened up and ran a solicitous hand over the back of his head. â€Å"Look, I get why you don’t want to sleep with him. It’s admirable. You want to protect his lifespan, not wipe him out, etc., etc. But what if that wasn’t an issue? What if I made it so that you could have sex without the dire side effects?†â€Å"Right. And you’d do that out of the kindness of your heart.†â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He shrugged and spread his hands wide. â€Å"There’s always a price.†â€Å"It’s not worth it. Not worth Seth selling his soul.†â€Å"I could sweeten the deal. Give him a longer lifespan†¦longer youth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"No. I swear to God, if you don’t leave now, I’m calling Jerome.†That was a bluff, seeing as Jerome was out of town. â€Å"Like I said, just trying to help,†Niphon said. â€Å"Yeah, like you helped me?†I asked, not bothering to hide the sarcasm. Suddenly, the mocking, teasing look vanished. Niphon’s face grew hard. Angry. Scary. â€Å"I did help you, Little Letha. You were no one. No one at all. Some poor fisherman’s daughter in a shit, backwoods town. Some whore in a shit, backwoods town. You fucked up your life, and I fixed it for you. I made you who you are. Erased your problems. Saved your husband. Gave you eternal life and beauty. If anything, you owe me.†â€Å"It wasn’t worth it,†I said, in a voice that matched his dark expression. â€Å"It wasn’t worth it.†â€Å"Wasn’t it? Would you have rather watched your husband commit suicide? Would you rather have died an outcast and disgraced?†I didn’t answer. I thought about the desperate look on my husband’s face when he’d found out that I’d cheated on him. Even after all these centuries, that expression still haunted me. He’d been driven to such despair that he’d been on the verge of taking his own life. In selling my soul and becoming a succubus, I’d struck a bargain with Hell that made him and everyone else I knew forget me. My husband had lived and gone on with his life, forgetting I’d ever existed. Had it been worth it? Observing my silence, Niphon’s face turned taunting once more. He opened the door. â€Å"Good-bye, Georgina. Let me know if you change your mind.†He left, and I stared at the door for a long time before finally forcing my feet to start moving. The Seth soul-selling offer held no temptation for me whatsoever. That didn’t trouble me. But his other words†¦the reminders of my past†¦ I sighed. I didn’t want to deal with that, not with everything else going on in my life right now. And speaking of which†¦with two hours left until work, I decided to bite the bullet and again try to get more information about my dreams. From Dante. His store looked as bleak as the last time I’d visited, but this time, he actually had a customer. She was a young woman, college-aged maybe, with layered brown hair and a gray sweatshirt. Seeing her, I started to step back outside, but he waved me in. â€Å"No, no, it’s okay. You can wait here.†Dante glanced at the girl. Both of them sat at the shabby, velvet-covered table. â€Å"You don’t mind, do you?†She barely spared me a glance. â€Å"No! No! Hurry, go on. I want to hear more about the man.†Dante produced a dazzling grin that seemed a bit fake to me but which I suspected was actually very effective on her. Taking a step closer, I realized he was reading her Tarot cards. Several already lay on the table. He flipped another over. â€Å"Ah, the Hierophant.†His voice held a mysterious, knowing note. â€Å"What’s that mean?†she squealed. â€Å"You don’t know? You don’t know anything about these?†She shook her head. â€Å"Nothing.†â€Å"Well, the Hierophant is a great love card. It represents a romantic man, someone good-looking and charming who loves giving gifts and doing small gestures. You know the kind.†â€Å"I don’t, actually,†she said wistfully. â€Å"All my boyfriends have been jerks.†â€Å"Well, that’s going to change,†he promised. I knew quite a bit about Tarot cards, actually. The Hierophant represented tradition, wisdom, and organized religion. He wasn’t exactly a romantic figure, particularly considering he was usually depicted as a priest. â€Å"Why is he dressed so weird?†asked the girl. â€Å"He looks like he’s in robes.†â€Å"It’s not weird,†Dante said. â€Å"It’s opulent. Remember, the Tarot is an ancient system. A guy dressed like this represented the height of fashion back in the old days. You know, a real designer label kind of guy.†I caught Dante’s gaze and rolled my eyes. He maintained his poker face and flipped the next card. â€Å"Things are looking good,†he declared. â€Å"The Tower.†The Tower was pretty much the worst card in the deck. â€Å"This shows you guys have a promising future.†â€Å"Why is it on fire?†she asked. â€Å"And why are people falling out of the windows?†â€Å"It’s all symbolic,†he said hastily. â€Å"And although things look really good for when you meet this guy, it means you have to be cautious and read the signs around you.†â€Å"Oh, wow,†she said. â€Å"I hope I can.†Dante gathered up the cards and stacked them neatly. â€Å"Well, I can help if you want. I could give you a package set of readings at a discount. That way, you’ll have a guide as you go along. You’ll be prepared for when you meet him.†I sincerely doubted she was ever going to meet this mythical guy. â€Å"How much?†she asked hesitantly. â€Å"Hmm, let’s see.†Dante turned speculative. â€Å"Well, they’re normally fifty dollars. Usually, I give a five-dollar discount for packages†¦but, hell. I really want to see this work. I’m a romantic myself, you know? It’s a stretch, but I’ll do a set of six for forty dollars each. You can buy them now and then come in whenever you want to claim them.†The girl deliberated, and I wanted to yell at her that it was a scam. But I needed Dante’s advice and didn’t want to get on his bad side. Not that I was necessarily on his good side right now. â€Å"I don’t want to pressure you,†he told her gently. â€Å"So, please. Don’t feel obligated. Just do whatever your heart tells you to do. I mean, if the cards have told us anything, it’s that you have to protect your heart now as you enter this important stage of your life.†That sold her. â€Å"Okay. I’ll do it.†I watched in disbelief as the two of them walked to his register. She handed over two-hundred-forty dollars – plus tax – and he gave her a Tarot punch card, not unlike what you’d get at a coffee or sandwich shop. â€Å"You should be ashamed of yourself,†I told him when she was gone. â€Å"Succubus. Nice to see you too.†â€Å"That wasn’t a romance reading.†â€Å"Nope,†he agreed, coming over to stand beside me. â€Å"It actually suggested she’d soon be having a sex change and joining a suicide cult.†â€Å"But you told her it was about love.†â€Å"She’s twenty years old. Love’s all they want to hear about at that age.†â€Å"You’re going to Hell.†â€Å"I could have told you that. In fact, I did tell you that last time, didn’t I? Now. What can I do for you? You change your mind about the sex?†â€Å"No. Of course not.†He looked offended. â€Å"Of course not? What’s with the attitude? I’m not that unappealing.†â€Å"No,†I agreed. He looked like he still hadn’t shaved in a couple days, and there was something very sexy about that and the way his indigo T-shirt fit him. I hadn’t realized before what nice ab muscles he had. Probably the lack of business around here gave him lots of time to work out. â€Å"But that’s not why I’m here. And honestly, if this behavior is just the tip of the iceberg, I’m thinking your soul isn’t going to be worth my time anyway.†He threw his hands in the air. â€Å"She comes and insults me, then expects help. So what is it you want? Your dishwasher finally break?†â€Å"No, but I had the dream again. And there was more.†I recapped it, and he listened, face unreadable. â€Å"You sure you don’t want a new dishwasher?†he asked dubiously. â€Å"No!†â€Å"What about kids?†â€Å"What about them?†â€Å"You want them?†I fell silent, and despite his lopsided smile, I could see Dante scrutinizing me. He might be a con artist, but he was smart. The best ones always are. People like him make their living reading people and exploiting little things – like that girl’s longing for romance. â€Å"It doesn’t matter,†I said. â€Å"You know that. I can’t have them.†â€Å"I didn’t ask that, succubus. I asked if you wanted them.†I averted my eyes, studying the crystal ball. With the way the sunlight hit it, I suspected it was actually plastic. â€Å"Sure. I did even when I was mortal. If I could have kids now, I would.†He nodded, and for the first time, I got the impression he might almost be taking me seriously. Almost. â€Å"And let me guess. You woke up without energy.†â€Å"Yes, and I’d gotten a victim the night before. Just like last time.†His face turned speculative. â€Å"Interesting. It only happens when you’re charged up.†â€Å"What do you think it means?†â€Å"Dunno. Might not mean anything.†â€Å"It has to! I’m losing energy for no reason at all.†â€Å"You’re stressed,†he argued. â€Å"And you’re, like, one of the most uptight people I’ve ever met – immortal or otherwise. You’ve spent centuries wishing you could get knocked up. You have this celibate boyfriend thing going on. And you work for that demon, right? The one who looks like Matthew Broderick?†â€Å"John Cusack,†I corrected. â€Å"He looks like John Cusack.†â€Å"Whatever. That’s enough to tax anybody. Your dreams are manifestations of the woes in your life, coming out of your subconscious in vivid, energy-sucking ways.†â€Å"You are so unhelpful. Your dream expertise is a scam – like everything else.†â€Å"Nah. Not everything I do is a scam. I know dreams. I know spells. And I know what could help you.†â€Å"What?†He pointed to the counter. â€Å"You and me. Up there. Naked. Horizontal.†I groaned. â€Å"Wow, you really weren’t lying. You are a romantic.†â€Å"A pragmatist. And an opportunist.†â€Å"A sleazy guy, treating me like a cheap whore†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Fuck, I haven’t been laid in months, and now this succubus shows up wanting my help. You’d try to bargain for sex too.†I eyed him warily. â€Å"Is that what this is about? I have to sleep with you to get help?†Dante shoved his hands in his pockets. â€Å"Nope. You’d be more fun if you were willing, I think. Besides, I have no other help to give.†Disappointed, I made motions to leave. â€Å"Okay. Thanks. Sort of.†â€Å"You know what else might help?†he called after me. â€Å"If it involves sex – â€Å" â€Å"A vacation. At the very least, a massage. Basic stress reliever things.†Those were actually reasonable things, and I was pleasantly surprised to see his mind wasn’t always in the gutter. â€Å"They can help,†I told him. â€Å"But I doubt a massage will fix the problems in my life.†â€Å"Maybe. Maybe not. But if you want a free one†¦a naked free one†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I left. I’d already felt like my romance with Seth was some infinite loop tape reel. The rest of my life apparently was too. Have the same dream, go to Dante, get no help, go to work, and ruminate. Because that’s exactly how my day was unfolding, just like before. I went through the motions of paperwork and customer service at Emerald City, all the while consumed by images of the little girl in the dream and the sweet fantasy of having a daughter. My heart ached to see her again, to see that smile. Everything at my job seemed so shallow and meaningless compared with her. When work ended, I brought Maddie back to my apartment to make good on my promise to get her a date. â€Å"You’re going to sell me?†she exclaimed when I told her the plan. â€Å"It’s an auction,†I said. â€Å"For a children’s charity. You don’t hate kids, do you?†â€Å"Well, no, but – â€Å" â€Å"Then this’ll be great. Here, try this on.†I tossed her a BCBG shopping bag. She eyed it warily. â€Å"Isn’t that a place for teenagers?†â€Å"It’s a place for anybody with style,†I assured her. She opened the bag and pulled out the knee-length dress I’d picked up for her the other day. It was silk chiffon with a dark pink geometric print. The empire waist had a slightly gathered top, and the V-neck had a bow that tied underneath it. Fluttery cap sleeves finished it off. â€Å"I can’t wear this,†she said immediately. â€Å"Why? Because it’ll look good?†She shot me a glare. â€Å"There’s hardly anything there.†â€Å"What? There’s plenty.†I owned lots of dresses that had â€Å"hardly anything there.†This was elegant and tasteful. Amish country compared to some of my clothing. â€Å"Try it on, and we’ll see.†She did, reluctantly, and I could have crowed with delight when she stepped out of my bathroom. I’d totally nailed the size. It fit perfectly. â€Å"There isn’t an extra inch here,†she fretted, pulling at the fabric around the waist. â€Å"Exactly.†â€Å"Doesn’t it make me look fat?†â€Å"It makes you look great. If it were spandex or something, there might be a problem, but this is light and drapey.†â€Å"The neckline’s awfully low – â€Å" â€Å"Oh, be quiet,†I snapped. â€Å"And let’s finish the rest of you.†I did her makeup and arranged her hair down for a change. It shone like black silk when brushed out, and I thought it was a shame she wore it in a haphazard ponytail so often. Besides, everyone knows that in the movies, shy girls always become beautiful by letting down their hair and taking off their glasses. Maddie already wore contacts, but the principle was still sound. I finally finished her off with half-heeled shoes I’d bought to match the dress. Higher ones would have looked better, but even I knew when not to press my luck. Satisfied with the results, we headed out to the auction. â€Å"You’re like my fairy godmother,†she muttered as we walked into the hotel the event was being held at. â€Å"But I’m still a pumpkin.†I elbowed her. â€Å"How did you get so negative? You should start some angstful emo rock band to compete with Doug’s.†â€Å"Oh, yeah. That’d go over – hey, is that Seth?†We were cutting across the open room the auction would take place in, heading toward the volunteers’ area. Lots of people had gathered, filling most of the round tables facing the stage. I followed her gesture to where Seth sat at one of the few tables that wasn’t already full. Seeing us notice him, he held up his hand in greeting. â€Å"He wanted to come support you,†I told her. Actually, Seth had been appalled at me strong-arming Maddie into this and had attended mainly out of a perverse fascination at what he thought might end in disaster. But Maddie, not knowing his motives, was pleasantly surprised. She smiled, and I nearly swooned. â€Å"That,†I said. â€Å"That right there is what you need to do.†The smile dropped. â€Å"That what?†Hugh practically skipped over when he saw us. â€Å"I knew you didn’t hate kids. I knew you’d cave and come help – â€Å" â€Å"Not me,†I said. â€Å"Maddie.†I rested a hand on her shoulder. Hugh’s face turned perfectly blank. â€Å"Oh?†Just then, a tall brunette in a black satin evening dress strolled over. The â€Å"fucking fox,†presumably. She extended her hand. â€Å"Hello, I’m Deanna, the coordinator. You must be Hugh’s friend?†â€Å"Georgina,†I said, shaking. â€Å"But Maddie here is your volunteer. She’s a journalist for an important women’s magazine.†Deanna’s eyes lit up. â€Å"Ah! We love celebrities. Let me take down your information.†She led Maddie away. As soon as they were gone, Hugh turned on me. â€Å"What the hell? I wanted Georgina, and you give me Georgy Girl.†â€Å"You are such an asshole. That’s a horrible thing to say.†He shrugged, eyes on Maddie. â€Å"I call ’em like I see ’em. She’s huge.†My eyes were on Maddie too. She actually looked quite slim in the dress, but Hugh was one of those guys who liked bony types – so long as their chests were big enough. â€Å"You’re the reason women have such horrible self-esteem issues. You tear them apart. Women, I mean. Not the issues.†â€Å"Look, I’m sure she’s not all bad,†he said. â€Å"She probably gives good head.†I rolled my eyes. â€Å"Flatterer. Why do you say that?†â€Å"Fat girls always do. They have to. Only way they can get men.†I punched him in the arm. Hard. â€Å"Ow! Fuck, that hurt.†â€Å"You’re a jerk,†I told him. â€Å"Maddie’s beautiful.†â€Å"She’s okay,†he said, rubbing his injured arm. â€Å"And I can’t exactly have just okay tonight – not with that liability already on deck.†He pointed over to where some of the other volunteers waited. Immediately, I found what he referred to. It was easy because Tawny towered over the other women by about a foot. â€Å"Holy Christ,†I said. â€Å"How did that happen?†He threw up his hands, looking miserable. â€Å"She latched on to the idea when you mentioned it at the bar.†â€Å"I didn’t even think she heard me,†I said apologetically. Hugh waved me toward the crowd. â€Å"Too late now. Go have a seat, Brutus, so this disaster can get under way. You’ve ruined the night. I don’t know why you hate kids so much.†I gave him a parting glare and went off to find Seth. The vampires had joined him since I’d come in. â€Å"You guys here to get a date or a victim?†I asked. â€Å"Neither,†said Peter. â€Å"We’re here to see the Tawny Show.†I sighed. â€Å"This is supposed to be a charity event, and people are treating it like a freak show. Hugh already accused me of ruining it by bringing Maddie.†Seth looked surprised. â€Å"Why? She looks great.†I pointed her out to Peter and Cody, who also concurred about her cuteness. â€Å"She’ll be fine,†said Cody. â€Å"Tawny’s going to be the one to watch. I haven’t really been able to see what she’s wearing. I hope it’s up to her usual standards.†â€Å"Maybe her Secret Santa will get her some nicer clothes,†said Peter. He glanced at me. â€Å"You bought for yours yet?†â€Å"Huh?†Right. Carter. I’d completely forgotten. Buying something for that cynical angel hadn’t exactly been at the top of my priority list. â€Å"I, um, have some ideas. Still thinking about it.†â€Å"What about a Christmas tree? You got one of those?†â€Å"Um, haven’t done that either.†â€Å"I didn’t know you wanted a Christmas tree,†said Seth. â€Å"Do you need help picking one out?†â€Å"Well, I don – â€Å" The auction started, cutting me off. The auctioneer, Nick, was a young guy in his early thirties who probably had a second job doing minor modeling contracts that would never actually get him out of Seattle. He smiled non-stop and did a good job flirting with the women and making guy-jokes to the men. Bids flew fast and furious, and it was easy to get caught up in the excitement. â€Å"Next up,†said the auctioneer, reading from a card, â€Å"is Tawny Johnson.†â€Å"Johnson?†asked Cody. â€Å"Kind of boring.†â€Å"She made up both her names,†I said. Succubi often did. â€Å"She probably didn’t have any mental energy left after choosing the first one.†â€Å"Ouch,†said Seth. â€Å"Who’s being mean now?†â€Å"You haven’t met her,†I warned. Tawny pranced up, wearing seven-inch high-heeled shoes that appeared to be made out of stainless steel. They looked like medieval torture devices but matched her super-tight, silver lam? ¦ hot pants and jacket. â€Å"She didn’t disappoint,†said Cody, studying the outfit. Unsurprisingly, she stumbled the last couple of steps, and Nick reached out to steady her. â€Å"Careful there,†he said, flashing his brilliant white teeth. â€Å"Men are supposed to fall all over you.†It took her a moment to get the joke, and then she burst into small, high-pitched giggles. The noise grated on my nerves, but Nick seemed quite pleased to have someone appreciate his jokes. â€Å"Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself, Tawny,†he said. â€Å"It says here you’re currently unemployed. Does that mean you’re out looking for something right now?†â€Å"Well, Nick, I’m out looking for someone right now – if you know what I mean.†â€Å"Oh my God,†I said. â€Å"That was kind of funny,†Peter noted. â€Å"No, it wasn’t.†Nick apparently agreed with Peter. He threw back his head and laughed. â€Å"Careful there, guys†¦we got a dangerous one on our hands. Tell me, Tawny, what is it you’re looking for in a man?†She pursed her red-lacquered lips in deep thought. â€Å"I’m looking for heart, Nick. Heart and soul. Those are the most important things.†There was a collective â€Å"aww†from the audience. Beside me, Peter said, â€Å"Okay, the soul thing really was funny. Only to us, of course, but still.†Tawny then winked at the crowd. â€Å"But stamina and a big checkbook can make up for that sometimes.†Nick waited for the audience’s laughter to fade. â€Å"Okay, let’s start the bidding at fifty – oh my God.†Tawny had taken off her jacket, revealing a zebra-print bandeau top underneath. ‘Top’ was a dubious term at best, though. When wrapped around her enormous bust, it looked more like a rubber band and really only served to cover her nipples. Bids exploded from the audience, much to the astonishment of my friends and me. More surprising still was when Nick the auctioneer actually joined in. â€Å"Folks, I know this is a bit unusual†¦but, well, I just can’t help myself. Three-hundred dollars.†â€Å"Three-fifty!†â€Å"Four-hundred!†In the end, Nick was the one who ended up winning her, paying a startling five-fifty. â€Å"Well, I’ll be damned,†said Peter. I would have made a joke about his comment if I wasn’t so shocked. When I finally found my voice, it was to say, â€Å"Well†¦this is a good thing, right? That guy looks like he’d sleep with her right now.†â€Å"And,†added Cody, â€Å"it was all for the kids.†Slowly, my astonishment faded into relief. This was an unexpected twist to the evening. The Tawny problem was fixed. Apparently, all we’d needed to do was essentially run an ad for her. She’d sleep with him, and Niphon would get off my back. One less thing for me to worry about – which was good, because I certainly had plenty of other things. Like Maddie. It was her turn next. She walked out, face grim and set for battle. She looked both terrified and terrifying. In spite of that hard countenance, I still saw a few interested faces in the audience. â€Å"Smile, smile,†I muttered to no one in particular. â€Å"Maddie Sato,†said Nick cheerily. â€Å"You write magazine articles. Anything I’d know?†â€Å"Probably not,†she said, still wearing that grimace. â€Å"Not unless you read feminist publications.†â€Å"Feminist,†he said, clearly amused. â€Å"Next you’ll be telling us you hate men.†She gave him a blank look. â€Å"I only hate stupid men who don’t actually understand what ‘feminist’ means.†He laughed. â€Å"You run into a lot of men like that?†â€Å"All the time.†â€Å"Really?†â€Å"Even as we speak, Nick.†â€Å"Oh no she didn’t,†said Peter. I groaned. It took Nick a full ten seconds to realize he had just been insulted. Then, for the first time that night, he stopped smiling. Turning to the crowd, he said flatly, â€Å"Okay, let’s start the bidding at fifty.†Silence met him. The interested faces no longer looked so interested. I swallowed a scream. No, this couldn’t be happening. I’d promised her a date. This would destroy her. After what seemed like an eternity, I heard a voice in the back of the room. â€Å"Fifty.†Relieved, I craned my head and looked. The guy who had bid was about fifty years old and looked exactly like this pedophile I’d once seen on a news special. â€Å"Fifty,†said Nick. â€Å"Do I hear seventy-five?†Silence. I turned to Seth. â€Å"Do something!†I hissed. He flinched. â€Å"What?†â€Å"Going once†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I elbowed him, and his hand shot up. â€Å"Seventy-five.†There was a collective â€Å"ooh’ in the room. Apparently no one, including Maddie, had expected a bidding war for the belligerent man-hater. Her eyes widened in surprise. â€Å"One hundred,†said the pedophile look-alike. Then, either to end this quickly or because he felt sorry for Maddie, Seth said, â€Å"Three hundred.†More sounds of astonishment followed. The other bidder couldn’t compete; he must have spent all his money on bail. â€Å"Sold to the gentleman in the Welcome Back, Kotter T-shirt.†â€Å"Nice,†said Cody, as Maddie exited the stage. I reached out and squeezed Seth’s hand. â€Å"Thank you.†He gave me his half-smile. â€Å"Anything for the kids.†Nick flipped to his next card. â€Å"And now we have†¦Georgina Kincaid.†My head shot up. Across the room, I saw Hugh’s smirking face. â€Å"Oh no he didn’t,†I said through gritted teeth. Nick, puzzled, glanced toward where the other auctionees were. â€Å"Georgina Kincaid?†â€Å"No avoiding it,†Peter told me. â€Å"Might as well go up there. Otherwise people’ll think you hate kids.†â€Å"That joke is getting old,†I hissed. Vowing to slap Hugh later, I reluctantly rose from my chair. Upon seeing me, Nick turned on the supernova smile. â€Å"Ah, there she is. Fashionably late.†On the subject of fashion, I wished I’d worn something as nice as Maddie’s dress. I might have just gotten tricked into this thing, but now I wished I could do it right. I still looked good; my normal sense of aesthetics would allow for nothing less. I had on a black skirt and a purple cashmere sweater, my hair in a ponytail. In tiny increments – too slow and small for anyone to notice – I tightened the sweater around my figure and made the neckline bigger. I put a saunter into my hips and pulled out my ponytail tie, shaking out my hair. It had worked for Maddie and countless nerdy movie girls. It would work for me because I suddenly had a serious issue at stake here. There was no way on God’s green earth that I was going for less than Tawny. â€Å"Georgina,†said Nick, helping me onto the stage. â€Å"My notes say you prefer Georgie.†Yeah, Hugh was definitely getting slapped. â€Å"And that you run a bookstore.†If I’d taken a victim recently and had succubus glamour on me, I wouldn’t have to do a single thing except stand there. I wouldn’t even have to smile. Now I’d have to work a little. Quickly, I assessed this crowd. The kinds of guys who came to events like this tended to be white-collar professionals with disposable income. Some would be here simply because philanthropy was trendy and good for the image, and this was a stylish way to do it. Others, while perhaps not desperate, were nonetheless intellects and introverts who found this a good opportunity to meet women. These men all wanted smart, competent women – women who were also pretty, of course. And wit†¦wit always went over well. I gave Nick, then the audience, a heart-stopping smile. â€Å"That’s right. I organize events, bring in money, make sure everything looks good, and whip people into shape.†â€Å"Sounds like a lot of work,†he said. â€Å"Or,†I said, â€Å"an excellent first date.†There was no cymbal crash, but my punch line elicited the laughs I’d hoped for. â€Å"You have some high expectations,†said Nick. â€Å"Well, I think everyone should. Why settle? If a guy meets my expectations, I’ll meet his. And in the end, it’s all about sense of humor and a conversation that won’t put me to sleep.†I realized I sounded vaguely like a Miss America contestant, but maybe there wasn’t much difference. I could see from the intrigue in the audience that I’d made a good impression. â€Å"This one’s a keeper,†said Nick. â€Å"Let’s start at fifty for Georgie.†I got my fifty and then some. Bids flew around the room. At one point, I glanced at Seth. Our eyes met, and I could tell by his expression that he was on the verge of bidding. I shook my head. He was the only one I wanted to go out with in this room, but I didn’t want to taint Maddie’s win. I wanted her to feel special. Besides, I also didn’t want Seth to blow that much money. I went for seventeen-hundred dollars. â€Å"I can’t believe that,†Maddie whispered to me afterward. â€Å"I think you’re the highest one so far. The guy looked cute too.†He had. Late thirties. Armani suit. Harmless. Nobody I planned on establishing anything meaningful with, but he’d do for a casual date. Maybe an energy fix if I decided to use this body. â€Å"You brought in some money yourself,†I teased. Her eyes found Seth, sitting across the room, and studied him speculatively. â€Å"Seth probably did it because he felt sorry for me.†â€Å"Of course not,†I said quickly. She still looked skeptical. â€Å"Well, it doesn’t matter. I’d rather drink coffee and talk shop with him than go out with some sleazy guy. That other bidder reminded me of this sex offender I saw on TV once†¦Ã¢â‚¬ When the auction wound down, I exchanged contact info with my buyer for a future date. Hugh attached himself to Deanna and stayed as far away from me as possible. No worries. I’d have plenty of time to deal with him later. Tawny, fortunately, also stayed away from me and clung to Nick’s arm. I watched them like a proud parent. Tonight was going to be a great night. How to cite Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 7, Essay examples
Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 7 Free Essays
â€Å"Get out,†I said immediately. Yasmine and Vincent, finishing their breakfast at my table, looked up in surprise. Niphon gestured toward them. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"I was invited in. I didn’t think it’d be a problem.†Angel and human looked distinctly uncomfortable, and I could guess what had happened. Niphon had turned up, and they’d let him inside, not knowing about our animosity. They’d probably figured he was a partner in evil which, in the most technical of ways, he was. Vincent hastily stood up and took his empty plate to the sink. Yasmine followed. â€Å"Well,†said Vincent. â€Å"We should probably get going.†â€Å"Yeah,†agreed Yasmine, grabbing her coat. Fools rushed in where angels feared to tread, apparently. â€Å"Great seeing you guys.†They left so fast that they might as well have teleported out. I fixed my attention back on Niphon. â€Å"Get out,†I repeated. He leaned back against my couch, draping his arms over the back of it. â€Å"Letha, Letha – â€Å" â€Å"And stop calling me that.†â€Å"Whatever you like. And don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair soon. I just wanted to give you a Tawny update.†Oh God. Tawny. Please, please let her have scored last night, I silently begged. Her attitude at the bar hadn’t really inspired confidence, but maybe me leaving with Jude had set a good example. â€Å"She hasn’t taken a victim yet.†Damn. â€Å"Alright, thanks,†I said, pointing at the door. â€Å"You can leave now. And next time, it’s really okay if you call to give me an update. Preferably when you’re in the taxi that’s taking you to the airport so I don’t ever have to fucking see you again.†He rose from the couch, giving me a wounded look. â€Å"Fine, fine. But there is one other thing I wanted to talk to you about.†â€Å"There is nothing at all I want to talk to you about.†I was on the verge of growling. â€Å"Oh, I’m not so sure about that.†His hand rested on the doorknob, but he showed no intention of actually leaving. â€Å"I think you’ll be very interested. It’s about your love life.†â€Å"No! We are not talking about this.†â€Å"Le – Georgina, I just want to help you,†he whined. â€Å"I think it’s terrible that you two can’t fully express your love.†â€Å"We. Are. Fine. And don’t lean against the door. I don’t want your hair to leave an oil stain.†Niphon straightened up and ran a solicitous hand over the back of his head. â€Å"Look, I get why you don’t want to sleep with him. It’s admirable. You want to protect his lifespan, not wipe him out, etc., etc. But what if that wasn’t an issue? What if I made it so that you could have sex without the dire side effects?†â€Å"Right. And you’d do that out of the kindness of your heart.†â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He shrugged and spread his hands wide. â€Å"There’s always a price.†â€Å"It’s not worth it. Not worth Seth selling his soul.†â€Å"I could sweeten the deal. Give him a longer lifespan†¦longer youth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"No. I swear to God, if you don’t leave now, I’m calling Jerome.†That was a bluff, seeing as Jerome was out of town. â€Å"Like I said, just trying to help,†Niphon said. â€Å"Yeah, like you helped me?†I asked, not bothering to hide the sarcasm. Suddenly, the mocking, teasing look vanished. Niphon’s face grew hard. Angry. Scary. â€Å"I did help you, Little Letha. You were no one. No one at all. Some poor fisherman’s daughter in a shit, backwoods town. Some whore in a shit, backwoods town. You fucked up your life, and I fixed it for you. I made you who you are. Erased your problems. Saved your husband. Gave you eternal life and beauty. If anything, you owe me.†â€Å"It wasn’t worth it,†I said, in a voice that matched his dark expression. â€Å"It wasn’t worth it.†â€Å"Wasn’t it? Would you have rather watched your husband commit suicide? Would you rather have died an outcast and disgraced?†I didn’t answer. I thought about the desperate look on my husband’s face when he’d found out that I’d cheated on him. Even after all these centuries, that expression still haunted me. He’d been driven to such despair that he’d been on the verge of taking his own life. In selling my soul and becoming a succubus, I’d struck a bargain with Hell that made him and everyone else I knew forget me. My husband had lived and gone on with his life, forgetting I’d ever existed. Had it been worth it? Observing my silence, Niphon’s face turned taunting once more. He opened the door. â€Å"Good-bye, Georgina. Let me know if you change your mind.†He left, and I stared at the door for a long time before finally forcing my feet to start moving. The Seth soul-selling offer held no temptation for me whatsoever. That didn’t trouble me. But his other words†¦the reminders of my past†¦ I sighed. I didn’t want to deal with that, not with everything else going on in my life right now. And speaking of which†¦with two hours left until work, I decided to bite the bullet and again try to get more information about my dreams. From Dante. His store looked as bleak as the last time I’d visited, but this time, he actually had a customer. She was a young woman, college-aged maybe, with layered brown hair and a gray sweatshirt. Seeing her, I started to step back outside, but he waved me in. â€Å"No, no, it’s okay. You can wait here.†Dante glanced at the girl. Both of them sat at the shabby, velvet-covered table. â€Å"You don’t mind, do you?†She barely spared me a glance. â€Å"No! No! Hurry, go on. I want to hear more about the man.†Dante produced a dazzling grin that seemed a bit fake to me but which I suspected was actually very effective on her. Taking a step closer, I realized he was reading her Tarot cards. Several already lay on the table. He flipped another over. â€Å"Ah, the Hierophant.†His voice held a mysterious, knowing note. â€Å"What’s that mean?†she squealed. â€Å"You don’t know? You don’t know anything about these?†She shook her head. â€Å"Nothing.†â€Å"Well, the Hierophant is a great love card. It represents a romantic man, someone good-looking and charming who loves giving gifts and doing small gestures. You know the kind.†â€Å"I don’t, actually,†she said wistfully. â€Å"All my boyfriends have been jerks.†â€Å"Well, that’s going to change,†he promised. I knew quite a bit about Tarot cards, actually. The Hierophant represented tradition, wisdom, and organized religion. He wasn’t exactly a romantic figure, particularly considering he was usually depicted as a priest. â€Å"Why is he dressed so weird?†asked the girl. â€Å"He looks like he’s in robes.†â€Å"It’s not weird,†Dante said. â€Å"It’s opulent. Remember, the Tarot is an ancient system. A guy dressed like this represented the height of fashion back in the old days. You know, a real designer label kind of guy.†I caught Dante’s gaze and rolled my eyes. He maintained his poker face and flipped the next card. â€Å"Things are looking good,†he declared. â€Å"The Tower.†The Tower was pretty much the worst card in the deck. â€Å"This shows you guys have a promising future.†â€Å"Why is it on fire?†she asked. â€Å"And why are people falling out of the windows?†â€Å"It’s all symbolic,†he said hastily. â€Å"And although things look really good for when you meet this guy, it means you have to be cautious and read the signs around you.†â€Å"Oh, wow,†she said. â€Å"I hope I can.†Dante gathered up the cards and stacked them neatly. â€Å"Well, I can help if you want. I could give you a package set of readings at a discount. That way, you’ll have a guide as you go along. You’ll be prepared for when you meet him.†I sincerely doubted she was ever going to meet this mythical guy. â€Å"How much?†she asked hesitantly. â€Å"Hmm, let’s see.†Dante turned speculative. â€Å"Well, they’re normally fifty dollars. Usually, I give a five-dollar discount for packages†¦but, hell. I really want to see this work. I’m a romantic myself, you know? It’s a stretch, but I’ll do a set of six for forty dollars each. You can buy them now and then come in whenever you want to claim them.†The girl deliberated, and I wanted to yell at her that it was a scam. But I needed Dante’s advice and didn’t want to get on his bad side. Not that I was necessarily on his good side right now. â€Å"I don’t want to pressure you,†he told her gently. â€Å"So, please. Don’t feel obligated. Just do whatever your heart tells you to do. I mean, if the cards have told us anything, it’s that you have to protect your heart now as you enter this important stage of your life.†That sold her. â€Å"Okay. I’ll do it.†I watched in disbelief as the two of them walked to his register. She handed over two-hundred-forty dollars – plus tax – and he gave her a Tarot punch card, not unlike what you’d get at a coffee or sandwich shop. â€Å"You should be ashamed of yourself,†I told him when she was gone. â€Å"Succubus. Nice to see you too.†â€Å"That wasn’t a romance reading.†â€Å"Nope,†he agreed, coming over to stand beside me. â€Å"It actually suggested she’d soon be having a sex change and joining a suicide cult.†â€Å"But you told her it was about love.†â€Å"She’s twenty years old. Love’s all they want to hear about at that age.†â€Å"You’re going to Hell.†â€Å"I could have told you that. In fact, I did tell you that last time, didn’t I? Now. What can I do for you? You change your mind about the sex?†â€Å"No. Of course not.†He looked offended. â€Å"Of course not? What’s with the attitude? I’m not that unappealing.†â€Å"No,†I agreed. He looked like he still hadn’t shaved in a couple days, and there was something very sexy about that and the way his indigo T-shirt fit him. I hadn’t realized before what nice ab muscles he had. Probably the lack of business around here gave him lots of time to work out. â€Å"But that’s not why I’m here. And honestly, if this behavior is just the tip of the iceberg, I’m thinking your soul isn’t going to be worth my time anyway.†He threw his hands in the air. â€Å"She comes and insults me, then expects help. So what is it you want? Your dishwasher finally break?†â€Å"No, but I had the dream again. And there was more.†I recapped it, and he listened, face unreadable. â€Å"You sure you don’t want a new dishwasher?†he asked dubiously. â€Å"No!†â€Å"What about kids?†â€Å"What about them?†â€Å"You want them?†I fell silent, and despite his lopsided smile, I could see Dante scrutinizing me. He might be a con artist, but he was smart. The best ones always are. People like him make their living reading people and exploiting little things – like that girl’s longing for romance. â€Å"It doesn’t matter,†I said. â€Å"You know that. I can’t have them.†â€Å"I didn’t ask that, succubus. I asked if you wanted them.†I averted my eyes, studying the crystal ball. With the way the sunlight hit it, I suspected it was actually plastic. â€Å"Sure. I did even when I was mortal. If I could have kids now, I would.†He nodded, and for the first time, I got the impression he might almost be taking me seriously. Almost. â€Å"And let me guess. You woke up without energy.†â€Å"Yes, and I’d gotten a victim the night before. Just like last time.†His face turned speculative. â€Å"Interesting. It only happens when you’re charged up.†â€Å"What do you think it means?†â€Å"Dunno. Might not mean anything.†â€Å"It has to! I’m losing energy for no reason at all.†â€Å"You’re stressed,†he argued. â€Å"And you’re, like, one of the most uptight people I’ve ever met – immortal or otherwise. You’ve spent centuries wishing you could get knocked up. You have this celibate boyfriend thing going on. And you work for that demon, right? The one who looks like Matthew Broderick?†â€Å"John Cusack,†I corrected. â€Å"He looks like John Cusack.†â€Å"Whatever. That’s enough to tax anybody. Your dreams are manifestations of the woes in your life, coming out of your subconscious in vivid, energy-sucking ways.†â€Å"You are so unhelpful. Your dream expertise is a scam – like everything else.†â€Å"Nah. Not everything I do is a scam. I know dreams. I know spells. And I know what could help you.†â€Å"What?†He pointed to the counter. â€Å"You and me. Up there. Naked. Horizontal.†I groaned. â€Å"Wow, you really weren’t lying. You are a romantic.†â€Å"A pragmatist. And an opportunist.†â€Å"A sleazy guy, treating me like a cheap whore†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Fuck, I haven’t been laid in months, and now this succubus shows up wanting my help. You’d try to bargain for sex too.†I eyed him warily. â€Å"Is that what this is about? I have to sleep with you to get help?†Dante shoved his hands in his pockets. â€Å"Nope. You’d be more fun if you were willing, I think. Besides, I have no other help to give.†Disappointed, I made motions to leave. â€Å"Okay. Thanks. Sort of.†â€Å"You know what else might help?†he called after me. â€Å"If it involves sex – â€Å" â€Å"A vacation. At the very least, a massage. Basic stress reliever things.†Those were actually reasonable things, and I was pleasantly surprised to see his mind wasn’t always in the gutter. â€Å"They can help,†I told him. â€Å"But I doubt a massage will fix the problems in my life.†â€Å"Maybe. Maybe not. But if you want a free one†¦a naked free one†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I left. I’d already felt like my romance with Seth was some infinite loop tape reel. The rest of my life apparently was too. Have the same dream, go to Dante, get no help, go to work, and ruminate. Because that’s exactly how my day was unfolding, just like before. I went through the motions of paperwork and customer service at Emerald City, all the while consumed by images of the little girl in the dream and the sweet fantasy of having a daughter. My heart ached to see her again, to see that smile. Everything at my job seemed so shallow and meaningless compared with her. When work ended, I brought Maddie back to my apartment to make good on my promise to get her a date. â€Å"You’re going to sell me?†she exclaimed when I told her the plan. â€Å"It’s an auction,†I said. â€Å"For a children’s charity. You don’t hate kids, do you?†â€Å"Well, no, but – â€Å" â€Å"Then this’ll be great. Here, try this on.†I tossed her a BCBG shopping bag. She eyed it warily. â€Å"Isn’t that a place for teenagers?†â€Å"It’s a place for anybody with style,†I assured her. She opened the bag and pulled out the knee-length dress I’d picked up for her the other day. It was silk chiffon with a dark pink geometric print. The empire waist had a slightly gathered top, and the V-neck had a bow that tied underneath it. Fluttery cap sleeves finished it off. â€Å"I can’t wear this,†she said immediately. â€Å"Why? Because it’ll look good?†She shot me a glare. â€Å"There’s hardly anything there.†â€Å"What? There’s plenty.†I owned lots of dresses that had â€Å"hardly anything there.†This was elegant and tasteful. Amish country compared to some of my clothing. â€Å"Try it on, and we’ll see.†She did, reluctantly, and I could have crowed with delight when she stepped out of my bathroom. I’d totally nailed the size. It fit perfectly. â€Å"There isn’t an extra inch here,†she fretted, pulling at the fabric around the waist. â€Å"Exactly.†â€Å"Doesn’t it make me look fat?†â€Å"It makes you look great. If it were spandex or something, there might be a problem, but this is light and drapey.†â€Å"The neckline’s awfully low – â€Å" â€Å"Oh, be quiet,†I snapped. â€Å"And let’s finish the rest of you.†I did her makeup and arranged her hair down for a change. It shone like black silk when brushed out, and I thought it was a shame she wore it in a haphazard ponytail so often. Besides, everyone knows that in the movies, shy girls always become beautiful by letting down their hair and taking off their glasses. Maddie already wore contacts, but the principle was still sound. I finally finished her off with half-heeled shoes I’d bought to match the dress. Higher ones would have looked better, but even I knew when not to press my luck. Satisfied with the results, we headed out to the auction. â€Å"You’re like my fairy godmother,†she muttered as we walked into the hotel the event was being held at. â€Å"But I’m still a pumpkin.†I elbowed her. â€Å"How did you get so negative? You should start some angstful emo rock band to compete with Doug’s.†â€Å"Oh, yeah. That’d go over – hey, is that Seth?†We were cutting across the open room the auction would take place in, heading toward the volunteers’ area. Lots of people had gathered, filling most of the round tables facing the stage. I followed her gesture to where Seth sat at one of the few tables that wasn’t already full. Seeing us notice him, he held up his hand in greeting. â€Å"He wanted to come support you,†I told her. Actually, Seth had been appalled at me strong-arming Maddie into this and had attended mainly out of a perverse fascination at what he thought might end in disaster. But Maddie, not knowing his motives, was pleasantly surprised. She smiled, and I nearly swooned. â€Å"That,†I said. â€Å"That right there is what you need to do.†The smile dropped. â€Å"That what?†Hugh practically skipped over when he saw us. â€Å"I knew you didn’t hate kids. I knew you’d cave and come help – â€Å" â€Å"Not me,†I said. â€Å"Maddie.†I rested a hand on her shoulder. Hugh’s face turned perfectly blank. â€Å"Oh?†Just then, a tall brunette in a black satin evening dress strolled over. The â€Å"fucking fox,†presumably. She extended her hand. â€Å"Hello, I’m Deanna, the coordinator. You must be Hugh’s friend?†â€Å"Georgina,†I said, shaking. â€Å"But Maddie here is your volunteer. She’s a journalist for an important women’s magazine.†Deanna’s eyes lit up. â€Å"Ah! We love celebrities. Let me take down your information.†She led Maddie away. As soon as they were gone, Hugh turned on me. â€Å"What the hell? I wanted Georgina, and you give me Georgy Girl.†â€Å"You are such an asshole. That’s a horrible thing to say.†He shrugged, eyes on Maddie. â€Å"I call ’em like I see ’em. She’s huge.†My eyes were on Maddie too. She actually looked quite slim in the dress, but Hugh was one of those guys who liked bony types – so long as their chests were big enough. â€Å"You’re the reason women have such horrible self-esteem issues. You tear them apart. Women, I mean. Not the issues.†â€Å"Look, I’m sure she’s not all bad,†he said. â€Å"She probably gives good head.†I rolled my eyes. â€Å"Flatterer. Why do you say that?†â€Å"Fat girls always do. They have to. Only way they can get men.†I punched him in the arm. Hard. â€Å"Ow! Fuck, that hurt.†â€Å"You’re a jerk,†I told him. â€Å"Maddie’s beautiful.†â€Å"She’s okay,†he said, rubbing his injured arm. â€Å"And I can’t exactly have just okay tonight – not with that liability already on deck.†He pointed over to where some of the other volunteers waited. Immediately, I found what he referred to. It was easy because Tawny towered over the other women by about a foot. â€Å"Holy Christ,†I said. â€Å"How did that happen?†He threw up his hands, looking miserable. â€Å"She latched on to the idea when you mentioned it at the bar.†â€Å"I didn’t even think she heard me,†I said apologetically. Hugh waved me toward the crowd. â€Å"Too late now. Go have a seat, Brutus, so this disaster can get under way. You’ve ruined the night. I don’t know why you hate kids so much.†I gave him a parting glare and went off to find Seth. The vampires had joined him since I’d come in. â€Å"You guys here to get a date or a victim?†I asked. â€Å"Neither,†said Peter. â€Å"We’re here to see the Tawny Show.†I sighed. â€Å"This is supposed to be a charity event, and people are treating it like a freak show. Hugh already accused me of ruining it by bringing Maddie.†Seth looked surprised. â€Å"Why? She looks great.†I pointed her out to Peter and Cody, who also concurred about her cuteness. â€Å"She’ll be fine,†said Cody. â€Å"Tawny’s going to be the one to watch. I haven’t really been able to see what she’s wearing. I hope it’s up to her usual standards.†â€Å"Maybe her Secret Santa will get her some nicer clothes,†said Peter. He glanced at me. â€Å"You bought for yours yet?†â€Å"Huh?†Right. Carter. I’d completely forgotten. Buying something for that cynical angel hadn’t exactly been at the top of my priority list. â€Å"I, um, have some ideas. Still thinking about it.†â€Å"What about a Christmas tree? You got one of those?†â€Å"Um, haven’t done that either.†â€Å"I didn’t know you wanted a Christmas tree,†said Seth. â€Å"Do you need help picking one out?†â€Å"Well, I don – â€Å" The auction started, cutting me off. The auctioneer, Nick, was a young guy in his early thirties who probably had a second job doing minor modeling contracts that would never actually get him out of Seattle. He smiled non-stop and did a good job flirting with the women and making guy-jokes to the men. Bids flew fast and furious, and it was easy to get caught up in the excitement. â€Å"Next up,†said the auctioneer, reading from a card, â€Å"is Tawny Johnson.†â€Å"Johnson?†asked Cody. â€Å"Kind of boring.†â€Å"She made up both her names,†I said. Succubi often did. â€Å"She probably didn’t have any mental energy left after choosing the first one.†â€Å"Ouch,†said Seth. â€Å"Who’s being mean now?†â€Å"You haven’t met her,†I warned. Tawny pranced up, wearing seven-inch high-heeled shoes that appeared to be made out of stainless steel. They looked like medieval torture devices but matched her super-tight, silver lam? ¦ hot pants and jacket. â€Å"She didn’t disappoint,†said Cody, studying the outfit. Unsurprisingly, she stumbled the last couple of steps, and Nick reached out to steady her. â€Å"Careful there,†he said, flashing his brilliant white teeth. â€Å"Men are supposed to fall all over you.†It took her a moment to get the joke, and then she burst into small, high-pitched giggles. The noise grated on my nerves, but Nick seemed quite pleased to have someone appreciate his jokes. â€Å"Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself, Tawny,†he said. â€Å"It says here you’re currently unemployed. Does that mean you’re out looking for something right now?†â€Å"Well, Nick, I’m out looking for someone right now – if you know what I mean.†â€Å"Oh my God,†I said. â€Å"That was kind of funny,†Peter noted. â€Å"No, it wasn’t.†Nick apparently agreed with Peter. He threw back his head and laughed. â€Å"Careful there, guys†¦we got a dangerous one on our hands. Tell me, Tawny, what is it you’re looking for in a man?†She pursed her red-lacquered lips in deep thought. â€Å"I’m looking for heart, Nick. Heart and soul. Those are the most important things.†There was a collective â€Å"aww†from the audience. Beside me, Peter said, â€Å"Okay, the soul thing really was funny. Only to us, of course, but still.†Tawny then winked at the crowd. â€Å"But stamina and a big checkbook can make up for that sometimes.†Nick waited for the audience’s laughter to fade. â€Å"Okay, let’s start the bidding at fifty – oh my God.†Tawny had taken off her jacket, revealing a zebra-print bandeau top underneath. ‘Top’ was a dubious term at best, though. When wrapped around her enormous bust, it looked more like a rubber band and really only served to cover her nipples. Bids exploded from the audience, much to the astonishment of my friends and me. More surprising still was when Nick the auctioneer actually joined in. â€Å"Folks, I know this is a bit unusual†¦but, well, I just can’t help myself. Three-hundred dollars.†â€Å"Three-fifty!†â€Å"Four-hundred!†In the end, Nick was the one who ended up winning her, paying a startling five-fifty. â€Å"Well, I’ll be damned,†said Peter. I would have made a joke about his comment if I wasn’t so shocked. When I finally found my voice, it was to say, â€Å"Well†¦this is a good thing, right? That guy looks like he’d sleep with her right now.†â€Å"And,†added Cody, â€Å"it was all for the kids.†Slowly, my astonishment faded into relief. This was an unexpected twist to the evening. The Tawny problem was fixed. Apparently, all we’d needed to do was essentially run an ad for her. She’d sleep with him, and Niphon would get off my back. One less thing for me to worry about – which was good, because I certainly had plenty of other things. Like Maddie. It was her turn next. She walked out, face grim and set for battle. She looked both terrified and terrifying. In spite of that hard countenance, I still saw a few interested faces in the audience. â€Å"Smile, smile,†I muttered to no one in particular. â€Å"Maddie Sato,†said Nick cheerily. â€Å"You write magazine articles. Anything I’d know?†â€Å"Probably not,†she said, still wearing that grimace. â€Å"Not unless you read feminist publications.†â€Å"Feminist,†he said, clearly amused. â€Å"Next you’ll be telling us you hate men.†She gave him a blank look. â€Å"I only hate stupid men who don’t actually understand what ‘feminist’ means.†He laughed. â€Å"You run into a lot of men like that?†â€Å"All the time.†â€Å"Really?†â€Å"Even as we speak, Nick.†â€Å"Oh no she didn’t,†said Peter. I groaned. It took Nick a full ten seconds to realize he had just been insulted. Then, for the first time that night, he stopped smiling. Turning to the crowd, he said flatly, â€Å"Okay, let’s start the bidding at fifty.†Silence met him. The interested faces no longer looked so interested. I swallowed a scream. No, this couldn’t be happening. I’d promised her a date. This would destroy her. After what seemed like an eternity, I heard a voice in the back of the room. â€Å"Fifty.†Relieved, I craned my head and looked. The guy who had bid was about fifty years old and looked exactly like this pedophile I’d once seen on a news special. â€Å"Fifty,†said Nick. â€Å"Do I hear seventy-five?†Silence. I turned to Seth. â€Å"Do something!†I hissed. He flinched. â€Å"What?†â€Å"Going once†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I elbowed him, and his hand shot up. â€Å"Seventy-five.†There was a collective â€Å"ooh’ in the room. Apparently no one, including Maddie, had expected a bidding war for the belligerent man-hater. Her eyes widened in surprise. â€Å"One hundred,†said the pedophile look-alike. Then, either to end this quickly or because he felt sorry for Maddie, Seth said, â€Å"Three hundred.†More sounds of astonishment followed. The other bidder couldn’t compete; he must have spent all his money on bail. â€Å"Sold to the gentleman in the Welcome Back, Kotter T-shirt.†â€Å"Nice,†said Cody, as Maddie exited the stage. I reached out and squeezed Seth’s hand. â€Å"Thank you.†He gave me his half-smile. â€Å"Anything for the kids.†Nick flipped to his next card. â€Å"And now we have†¦Georgina Kincaid.†My head shot up. Across the room, I saw Hugh’s smirking face. â€Å"Oh no he didn’t,†I said through gritted teeth. Nick, puzzled, glanced toward where the other auctionees were. â€Å"Georgina Kincaid?†â€Å"No avoiding it,†Peter told me. â€Å"Might as well go up there. Otherwise people’ll think you hate kids.†â€Å"That joke is getting old,†I hissed. Vowing to slap Hugh later, I reluctantly rose from my chair. Upon seeing me, Nick turned on the supernova smile. â€Å"Ah, there she is. Fashionably late.†On the subject of fashion, I wished I’d worn something as nice as Maddie’s dress. I might have just gotten tricked into this thing, but now I wished I could do it right. I still looked good; my normal sense of aesthetics would allow for nothing less. I had on a black skirt and a purple cashmere sweater, my hair in a ponytail. In tiny increments – too slow and small for anyone to notice – I tightened the sweater around my figure and made the neckline bigger. I put a saunter into my hips and pulled out my ponytail tie, shaking out my hair. It had worked for Maddie and countless nerdy movie girls. It would work for me because I suddenly had a serious issue at stake here. There was no way on God’s green earth that I was going for less than Tawny. â€Å"Georgina,†said Nick, helping me onto the stage. â€Å"My notes say you prefer Georgie.†Yeah, Hugh was definitely getting slapped. â€Å"And that you run a bookstore.†If I’d taken a victim recently and had succubus glamour on me, I wouldn’t have to do a single thing except stand there. I wouldn’t even have to smile. Now I’d have to work a little. Quickly, I assessed this crowd. The kinds of guys who came to events like this tended to be white-collar professionals with disposable income. Some would be here simply because philanthropy was trendy and good for the image, and this was a stylish way to do it. Others, while perhaps not desperate, were nonetheless intellects and introverts who found this a good opportunity to meet women. These men all wanted smart, competent women – women who were also pretty, of course. And wit†¦wit always went over well. I gave Nick, then the audience, a heart-stopping smile. â€Å"That’s right. I organize events, bring in money, make sure everything looks good, and whip people into shape.†â€Å"Sounds like a lot of work,†he said. â€Å"Or,†I said, â€Å"an excellent first date.†There was no cymbal crash, but my punch line elicited the laughs I’d hoped for. â€Å"You have some high expectations,†said Nick. â€Å"Well, I think everyone should. Why settle? If a guy meets my expectations, I’ll meet his. And in the end, it’s all about sense of humor and a conversation that won’t put me to sleep.†I realized I sounded vaguely like a Miss America contestant, but maybe there wasn’t much difference. I could see from the intrigue in the audience that I’d made a good impression. â€Å"This one’s a keeper,†said Nick. â€Å"Let’s start at fifty for Georgie.†I got my fifty and then some. Bids flew around the room. At one point, I glanced at Seth. Our eyes met, and I could tell by his expression that he was on the verge of bidding. I shook my head. He was the only one I wanted to go out with in this room, but I didn’t want to taint Maddie’s win. I wanted her to feel special. Besides, I also didn’t want Seth to blow that much money. I went for seventeen-hundred dollars. â€Å"I can’t believe that,†Maddie whispered to me afterward. â€Å"I think you’re the highest one so far. The guy looked cute too.†He had. Late thirties. Armani suit. Harmless. Nobody I planned on establishing anything meaningful with, but he’d do for a casual date. Maybe an energy fix if I decided to use this body. â€Å"You brought in some money yourself,†I teased. Her eyes found Seth, sitting across the room, and studied him speculatively. â€Å"Seth probably did it because he felt sorry for me.†â€Å"Of course not,†I said quickly. She still looked skeptical. â€Å"Well, it doesn’t matter. I’d rather drink coffee and talk shop with him than go out with some sleazy guy. That other bidder reminded me of this sex offender I saw on TV once†¦Ã¢â‚¬ When the auction wound down, I exchanged contact info with my buyer for a future date. Hugh attached himself to Deanna and stayed as far away from me as possible. No worries. I’d have plenty of time to deal with him later. Tawny, fortunately, also stayed away from me and clung to Nick’s arm. I watched them like a proud parent. Tonight was going to be a great night. How to cite Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 7, Essay examples
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